Music City

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 4: Memphis, Nashville, and the Knox

The definition of a Megalopolis is a large or densely populated city. Although Tennessee does not carry as many inhabitants as a state like California, there still resides a heirachy of major cities. The major cities in Tennesee are Memphis, with a population of 674,028, Nashville preceeding with a total of 590,807 and Knoxville creating a large gap between itself and Nashville with a total of 183,546 people. 
Population Density of Tennesee
Bottom left corner-Memphis

Only in the past several years has Nashville surpassed Memphis as the largest metropolitan area in Tennessee. Nashville's population has grown in the past years. Since the 1990's the population of Nashville has increased roughtly 12% and since 2005 it has recieved as increase of 3%. Immigration has become and issue to the residents of Nashville, the more immigration the more diversity in languages. Residents are proposing a law to restrict such languages. The article in the Los Angeles Times discusses the views of the residents in Nashville, and according to the article, the  recent immigrants in Nashville have been Somalis, Bosnians, Ethiopians, and Iraqis, along with what is now to be viewed as the largest Kurdish population in the United States. 

Los Angeles Times- article

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